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Signature Script

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The Signature Script is a Lua script which can be used to generate a signature (also known as a footer or disclaimer) for outgoing emails..


Script Filename:        SIGNATURE.LUA

Function:        GetSignature

Syntax:        GetSignature(<Format>, <Authenticated Sender>, <Sender Email Address>, <Subject>, <LDAP Attributes>)

Returns:        <Signature text/HTML>


This function is called whenever a local user sends an outgoing message.

Note that this function is not called if the sender authenticates when sending and the sender has the signature option disabled.


Format - "HTML" or "PLAIN".

Authenticated Sender - The VPOP3 username of the authenticated sender who sent the message (if any).

Sender Email Address - The email address of the sender.

Subject - The subject of the message.

LDAP Attributes - If the sender used authentication, then this is a table containing the LDAP attributes for the sender.

Return Values

Signature Text - the new signature to use. If this is blank, then VPOP3 will continue to generate a signature using the user's personal or the global signature from the VPOP3 settings. If you want not to have a signature, then the function should return the text "<blank>" (without the quotes, but with the angle brackets). If the Format is HTML, then the script should return an HTML segment, otherwise it should return a plain text segment.



Function:        GetInternalSignature

Syntax:        GetInternalSignature(<Format>, <Authenticated Sender>, <Sender Email Address>, <Subject>, <LDAP Attributes>)

Returns:        <Signature text/HTML>


This function is called whenever a local user sends an internal message.

Note that this function is not called if the sender authenticates when sending and the sender has the signature option disabled.


Format - "HTML" or "PLAIN".

Authenticated Sender - The VPOP3 username of the authenticated sender who sent the message (if any).

Sender Email Address - The email address of the sender.

Subject - The subject of the message.

LDAP Attributes - If the sender used authentication, then this is a table containing the LDAP attributes for the sender.

Return Values

Signature Text - the new signature to use. If this is blank, then VPOP3 will continue to generate a signature using the user's personal or the global signature from the VPOP3 settings. If you want not to have a signature, then the function should return the text "<blank>" (without the quotes, but with the angle brackets). If the Format is HTML, then the script should return an HTML segment, otherwise it should return a plain text segment.





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