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Diagnostics General Tab


This page lets you set how long VPOP3 will keep log files that it generates.

By default VPOP3 will have the current log file and the previous version of the log file (saved as <something>.LBK), but often this doesn't allow you to look far enough back in time, so you can tell VPOP3 to keep more log files (obviously that will use more disk space)


The How long to keep OLD log files settings tell VPOP3 either how many old log files to keep or how long to keep old log files (in days).

The OLD Log file disk usage settings tell VPOP3 how to manage disk space used by the old log files. Note that these settings take precedence over the How long to keep OLD log files settings.

You can tell VPOP3 the maximum amount of disk space to use for the old LBK log files. You can also tell it how much free disk space there must be remaining for it to keep old log files.


VPOP3 processes these settings in a sensible order to prevent disk space being used up by the log files.

For instance, if you have told VPOP3 to keep log files for 3 days, and to use no more than 5000MB for the log files and to delete old log files if there is less than 10000 MB free disk space, then when VPOP3 needs to make a new LBK file, it will check all the usage and free space. It will process it as below:

if there is < 10000MB of free space, then VPOP3 will delete the oldest extra LBK files to make the free disk space to at least 10000MB - regardless of how old they are and how much space they are taking up.

if the LBK files take up more than 5000MB, then VPOP3 will delete the oldest extra LBK files to ensure that they use no more than 5000MB - regardless of how old they are.

it will keep the oldest LBK files if there is at least 10000MB free, the LBK files take up no more than 5000MB and they are no older than 3 days.


For some more technical details see the Log File Sizes tab instructions.


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